Summer time has come and soon we will be meeting the peak of these hot months. You need something extra to keep your hair in healthy conditions, as they tend to become dry, frizzy and brittle during these days. Our hairs are not only exposed to heat and sunlight, but also to summer activities like swimming, hiking and camping. Swimming in the pool can damage the hair, as swimmin pool water contains chlorine which is harmful for the hair.
Here are some handy hair care tips for summer:
- Use sunscreen products(shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer) made for hair. Try using moisturizing shampoo rather than the the normal shampoo. If you are out for long and you forgot to use conditioner with sunscreen, you can use regular sunscreen but make sure that you rinse it thourougly when you get home.
- Wear hat or scarf to protect your hair from direct sunlight, but make sure that it does not resctrict circulation of air.
- Make least use of hot items like hair dryers and curling irons.
- Avoid washing your hairs in hot water or hot shower, use warm or cold water instead.
- Go for deep conditioning for preventing hair from dryness and frizziness.
- Deep conditon your hair after swimming to remove chlorine and salt contents from hair.
Hope these tips will be useful to you. With some little attention, you can avoid summer damage to your hair!