Treatment for sexual dysfunction depends on the cause of the problem. Diet is an important factor in these conditions. Dietary supplements are amongst the safest and most effective choices in impotence treatment. They are free of side effects; they are relatively inexpensive and easy to take. Poor diet, harmful life habit lead to sexual problems. E.g. smoking, excess consumption of alcohol and fatty acid imbalance are some of the examples.
Following are some of the recommended tips of healthy diet for sexual dysfunction treatment:
- Avoid dairy food, refined food, junk food, fried food, sugar.
- Drink lot of water
- Eat fresh, unrefined, unprocessed food.
- Have fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.
- Have food containing Vitamin C, E, B, zinc. Vitamins help in production of sexual hormones. Leafy vegetables, whole grains, sea food are rich in zinc.
- Lack of proteins can result into decrease in sperm count and loss of sexual interest.
- Stop smoking
- Reduce excess consumption of alcohol.
Natural treatment can support erectile function by improving overall health.