Reasons for hair loss

Thursday, April 30, 2009

You are probably anxious to know why your hair is falling out or thinning. Hair loss can be due to heredity, stress, medicine, aging or some other reason. Some of the common reasons of hair loss:

  • Hormonal problems can cause temporary hair loss. If the thyroid gland is inactive, it may result into hair loss. Also hormonal (androgens) imbalance can cause hair loss.
  • Excessive mental or physical stress can cause hair loss. Too much stress can result into hair loss.
  • Hair loss can be result of some illness or surgery. If you have undergone some surgery or suffering from some disease or illness you can face the problem of hair loss.
  • Some chemicals, hair styles can also lead to hair loss.
  • Hair loss can also be due to genetic problems. The male hormone testosterone appears to be the main problem and is heavily linked to heredity.
  • Some medicines can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss problem is solved once you stop taking these medicines. Medicines used in chemotherapy, birth control pills and antidepressants can cause hair loss.
  • Rapid weight loss can also cause hair loss as a side effect.

How to strengthen your hair

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shampooing and conditioning are not the only options for healthy hair. Regular care for the hair is most essential. Here are some of the effective tips that can help you strengthen your hair.

  • Healthy eating habit is an important way for strengthening your hair. Well balanced diet helps strengthen hair and promotes growth. Add foods containing calcium, iron and proteins in your diet. Take multivitamin daily. Eat lots of green vegetables. Make sure you get enough proteins from your diet.
  • Protect your hair from sun and pollutant damage.
  • Use shampoos and conditioners that contain proteins and amino acids.
  • Regular haircuts and trims are necessary to avoid split ends.
  • Use warm water to shampoo and cold water while conditioning.
  • Avoid combing hair when it is wet. Be gentle with your hair when it is wet.

Home remedies for hair loss

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hair loss refers to excessive hair fall; it is most common disorder among men. It is normal to shed 50 – 100 hair daily. Though there are various medical treatments available in market, many people prefer natural treatment options. Pain, inconvenience, side effects and comparatively high cost of medical treatments can be avoided by natural treatments.

Some of the home remedies for hair loss are:

  • Application of coconut oil with lime water on the hair prevents hair loss and helps in growth.
  • Onion juice is good for re-growth. It should be applied on affected area twice daily.
  • Spinach and lettuce juice if taken once a day can help in growth of hair.
  • Massage fenugreek paste on head scalp before washing hair.
  • Rub olive oil on scalp to reduce hair loss.
  • Bhringaraj oil applied to scalp stimulated hair growth.
  • Diet rich in minerals (whole grains, red pepper and potatoes) can important for people with mineral deficiency.
  • Exercise can improve blood flow helping digestion of food, thereby resulting into healthy hair follicles.
  • Regular use of castor oil and almond can prevent hair loss.

Types of hair loss

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hair loss is defined as significant loss of hair. There are many types of hair loss, some are temporary and some are permanent. Hair loss can be caused by variety of factors like genetic, aging, medications or diseases. Treatments are specific to the type of hair loss. Major types of hair loss are discussed below:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia - It account for 90% of hair loss. This type of hair loss can affect both men and women, though men experience a much degree of hair loss. It is hereditary and is passed generation to generation. With androgenetic alopecia, your hair begins to thin at the temples and at the crowns. Although this type of hair loss is permanent, hterea re ways to treat it.
  • Alopecia Areata: It affects both men and women equally and is generally experienced in childhood. Alopecia Areatea is tempropry hair loss disease and is mild patchy hair loss on the scalp. Alopecia universalis is total body hair loss. There is no cure for Alopecia areata, only treatments are available.
  • Telogen Effluvium: This type of hair loss occurs due to sudden increase in stress. In this type of hair loss, the hair follicles are shifted into resting phase and the growth of hair is stopped. It can be caused due to stress, poor nutrition, childbirth, sugical operation or some medications. Telogen Effluvium is not permanent type of hair loss, and may continue up to 3 months.
  • Anagen Effluvium: This occurs when chemicals damages the hair follicles resulting into patches of hair loss. This type of hair loss occurs generally due to radiation or chemotherapy treatment. It is a temprory hair loss problem.

There are variety of products available in market for hair loss treatment. Treatment totally depends on the type of hair loss.

Get Rid of Acne Fast - Without Costly Treatments

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Acne is a big problem in a world where appearance is everything. Whether you like it or not you are often judged by the way you look and having acne can hold you back in life. It can make you feel self conscious and you can lose your confidence very quickly and life's opportunities can then pass you by.

More and more people who have acne are putting their life on hold while looking for a solution to their skin problems. Finding a treatment that will get rid of acne fast and for good can become an impossible task of trial and error using costly "over the counter" treatments with no lasting results.

However, you don't have to endure endless and costly Acne Treatment for months and years to get rid of your acne. Up to now you may have been limited to the "over the counter" treatments. Many of these give you some short term relief but can't get rid of your acne for good.

The great news for you is that new innovate products are available online that can quickly get rid of your acne for good. Online companies with treatments that work confidently offer a money back guarantee for a period of 30 -60 days so you can't lose out. These treatments are often just the same price or cheaper than the "over the counter" ones.

So, get rid of acne fast, without having to endure costly treatments. Get online now and find all the Acne Solution that are guaranteed to quickly get rid of your acne for good.

Types of hair loss treatment

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If you are bald or balding, thankfully you have many effective treatment options available nowadays for dealing with male pattern baldness. Though there is no complete cure, number of treatments are available that can effectively slow down or reduce hair loss and stimulate re – growth.

There are two types of treatment: surgical and non – surgical. Non – surgical include hair transplant procedures, non – surgical treatments include tablets and lotions. Generally these treatments must be used continuosly to maintain regrowth. Once these treatments are stopped, regrowth stops and hair fall will start again. Cosmetic treatment options include wigs.

Only two medicines have been approved by FDA for male pattern baldness uptil now – Propecia (Finasteride) and Rogaine. Propecia Finasteride works by inhibiting the formation of DHT in body, while Rogaine stimulates hair growth in both men and women. Propecia is only for men.

Hiar transplant is a permanent remedy. The treatment differs from person to person, infact not every person is suitable for hair transplant.

Summer hair care tips

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Summer time has come and soon we will be meeting the peak of these hot months. You need something extra to keep your hair in healthy conditions, as they tend to become dry, frizzy and brittle during these days. Our hairs are not only exposed to heat and sunlight, but also to summer activities like swimming, hiking and camping. Swimming in the pool can damage the hair, as swimmin pool water contains chlorine which is harmful for the hair.

Here are some handy hair care tips for summer:

  • Use sunscreen products(shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer) made for hair. Try using moisturizing shampoo rather than the the normal shampoo. If you are out for long and you forgot to use conditioner with sunscreen, you can use regular sunscreen but make sure that you rinse it thourougly when you get home.
  • Wear hat or scarf to protect your hair from direct sunlight, but make sure that it does not resctrict circulation of air.
  • Make least use of hot items like hair dryers and curling irons.
  • Avoid washing your hairs in hot water or hot shower, use warm or cold water instead.
  • Go for deep conditioning for preventing hair from dryness and frizziness.
  • Deep conditon your hair after swimming to remove chlorine and salt contents from hair.

Hope these tips will be useful to you. With some little attention, you can avoid summer damage to your hair!

Natural Hair Loss Treatments

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hair loss has become a common problem, especially among men. Exact cause of hair loss is still unknown. Some of the possible causes are increase in level of DHT, zinc deficiency, iron deficiency or lack of Vitamin B1, C. Some medications can also cause hair loss.

There are many medicines available in market for hair loss treatment. These medicines slow down the hair loss or helps in hair re-growth. But medications are any time risky; they can cause harmful side effects and are costly also.


Nutritional diet is needed for healthy hair. Diet should include vegetable, fruits, eggs, fish, beans and nuts. The diet needs to be rich in proteins. Foods that are high in iron are important for people with iron deficiency. Vitamin A and C inhibit DHT production and help in hair growth. Oral zinc supplements prevent conversion of testosterone to DHT. Food which is good for your health is good for hair loss treatment.


Massaging the scalp stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth in temporary hair loss cases.


  • Henna: Henna acts as natural conditioner and is good for maintenance of hair. It can help heal the hair follicle and hair growth.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera helps in balancing the pH level of the scalp, cleanses the hair follicles and heals the scalp. Gel or liquid of this plant helps to activate enzymes of the body that are responsible for hair growth.

Natural treatments for hair loss can avoid the pain, side effects and relatively high cost of medications and commercial hair loss treatment (hair transplant, surgery). Natural hair loss treatments just require bit patience and efforts.